My Rec Story: Dasha
Dasha and her family came to the United States in April of 2022 as refugees from Ukraine. Looking for a place for Dasha to be around children her age, she was enrolled in the after school program here at the Recreation Center later that May. Through language barriers, adapting to a new home, and the challenge of making friends, she made her way through the remainder of the school year.
Dasha’s parents appreciated the care and attention given to their daughter, and felt that keeping her in programs was best for her future. Dasha carried on into the Summer Adventure Heights Program, where she grew by leaps and bounds. She was able to expand her English vocabulary, and understanding. She made friends, and began to open up and show her fun and creative character. Her mother, Kateryna, credits the summer program and Rec staff for getting Dasha ready for school in the fall. Each week she learned more and more allowing Dasha to feel more comfortable, and welcome in her new home.
Now Dasha is thriving and excelling in the After School Program. Recreation program staff can’t say enough about Dasha’s progress, her silly and fun attitude, her creativity, and most of all her bravery and determination. She loves playing games, making art, and is excited for another summer of fun activities. She especially can’t wait to swim in the Rec Center pool, and go rock climbing again.
Dasha and her family are grateful for the respect and support they have been shown by Parks & Rec staff in helping Dasha succeed, and grow.