AGES: 3-5
The Short Sports program is designed for children ages 3-5 just getting into sports. With their parent as their partner our little “shorties” will develop their skills through fun drills and games making, the learning experience fun for everyone involved. This program will meet once per week for 30-45 minutes per session for an entire month.
Sports and Times Offered:
Multi – Play
Will focus on developing hand-eye and footwork skills shared in a variety of sports through fun games and drills.
Months: March, July, November
Try It Out
We want our little ones and their parents to try out a variety of sports. Skill development in this program include throwing, catching, batting/swinging, kicking, shooting, and more! All equipment provided.
Months: June
Get your child started on the right foot (and the left) with fun games and drills developed around all soccer based skills.
Months: April & September
Catching, throwing, and footwork are the main focus to get our little ones ready for the gridiron in this Short Sports Camp!
Month: October
Get your shorty started with the basic elements of basketball: Shooting, dribbling, and passing!
Months: January & February
FALL SPORTS: Soccer, Flag Football, Volleyball
Game schedules and team picture dates are now updated.
The youth Sports Parents Handout contains valuable information for youth sports parents regarding league rules and policies, formats, press and player code of ethics, and player health and safety information.