11405 W Deno Rd., Airway Heights, WA. 99001 | (509) 244-4845 | parksandrec@cawh.org
Mission Statement
We Create Community and Quality of Life Through People, Parks, and Programs.
Our Vision
The Parks & Recreation Department strengthens our community’s fabric, health, and well-being, economic base, and security. Airway Heights residents have long valued neighborhood and community parks as special natural places where they can relax, walk, meditate, enjoy family time, and seek spiritual renewal. As our quality of life has been threatened by crime, family disintegration, and other modern pressures, the Airway Heights Parks and Recreation Department, in partnership with our School District, the Airway Heights Kiwanis Club, CARES and other community-based organizations and business, has risen to the challenge, providing services to increase community health and stability. Today, the Airway Heights Parks and Recreation Department provides much more than recreation experiences. Through diverse and innovative programming, broad partnerships, and access to Health and Fitness, the Parks & Recreation Department plays an important role in creating a healthy community.
WE Strengthen Community Image & Sense of Place Parks & Recreation facilities, programs, and community events are key factors in strengthening community image and creating a sense of place.
WE Support Economic Development Parks & Recreation programs and facilities attract and retain businesses, residents, and tourists. Parks and recreation generates income for the community and for local businesses.
WE Strengthen Safety & Security Park and Recreation professionals provide safe environments for recreation activities, and design programs and services specifically to reduce criminal activity.
WE Promote Health & Wellness Participation in recreation activities improves physical, social, and emotional health that positively impacts community health and wellness.
WE Foster Human Development Parks & Rec services foster social, intellectual, physical, and emotional development.
WE Increase Cultural Unity Parks & Recreation increases cultural unity through experiences that promote cultural understanding and celebrate diversity.
WE Protect Environmental Resources By acquiring and protecting valuable areas as open space, greenways, areas, and natural resources are protected and habitat required for the survival of diverse species is preserved.
WE Provide Recreational Experiences Through programmed and self-facilitated recreation, a variety of benefits to individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities are achieved. Recreational experiences are important as an end in themselves for personal enjoyment.
WE Facilitate Community Problem Solving Park and Recreation professionals possess facilitation and leadership skills that can be applied to resolve community problems and issues.
Parks and Recreation in Airway Heights provides the space to Learn & Play, to be Safe & Secure, and to Create & Imagine
“We provide the place, space, and experiences that build high self-esteem and the feeling of living a full life…We should be the first choice for Health and Wellness. We are the most proactive and economical solution for people of all ages and abilities to stay healthy and happy.”
Master Plan
The Parks & Recreation Master Plan is the road map that guides staff to help meeting the needs of current and future residents by positioning the City to build on the community’s unique parks and recreation assets, as well as identify new opportunities for everyone of all ages. The citizen driven six-year plan establishes a clear direction for the Parks & Recreation Department staff, Park Advisory Board and elected officials in their efforts to enhance the community’s parks and recreation programs, services and facilities.
The Airway Heights Parks and Recreation Master Plan to the meets the planning requirements set forth by the Recreation Conservation Office for six years and will expire October 11, 2027.